
About us


Rob Krieger Stone provides bespoke stone masonry  for a wide variety of projects. Situated close to Lund and Helsingborg in southern Sweden, with more than 30 years of experience of working with natural stone, we combine traditional masonry techniques with technology to create high quality, carefully crafted stone work to order.

Founder Rob Krieger began as an apprentice in Australia and the UK, learning his craft under the mentorship of the master stonemasons of Geoffrey Pike - then London's largest stone masonry company. Under their guidance he began to master skills such as stone cutting,  architectural building masonry and sculpting.

After many successful years in the UK, Rob moved to Sweden and worked for Skåne's largest stone company prior to starting his own company, Henkelstorp Natursten - now known as Rob Krieger Stone.  

Our clients include some of the leading architecture, art and design studios in Sweden, as well as private customers and local councils.

At Rob Krieger Stone, we offer a wide range of services, from sheet cutting, hand carving and bank masonry for small to large projects, to crafting one-off pieces from solid blocks, such as baths and washbasins, using computerised numerical control (CNC) equipment.

We also offer a bespoke kitchen worktop service, as well as a full service that includes everything from specialist consultation and advice, to stone sourcing, installation and sealing. In addition to offering a selection of stone in stock, through our network of leading European quarries, we can procure most types of stone.


Beställning, leveranstider mm

  • Ingen beställning läggs förrän offerten är godkänd. Godkännande av offerten anses som avtal vid beställning.

  • Normal leveranstid fr.o.m mätning är ca 5-10 dagar beroende på lagerstatus på vald sten. Finns inte stenen i lager så kan vi inte garantera leveranstiden, då stenen skeppas hit.

  • Vi mäter och monterar köket mot en kostnad, fritt vårt lager inom 3 mils radie och därefter utgår milersättning. Behövs annat fordon för leverans eller mer bärhjälp tillkommer kostnad för detta. I priset ingår inte borttagning av bänkskiva eller snickeriarbete, och ytan skall vara avvägd och jämn och klar för montering innan vår montering kan ske.